
Car key repair

locksmith car key programming

Repair Damaged Remote

We repair certain damaged car keys, our FOB repair service has been said to be the best car key repair facility in the Minneapolis area. There is absolutely nothing to fear, your keys are in safe hands. We specialize in the repair of all types of keys e.g. Key Shells, and control Key fobs, we have long been acclaimed the best company when it comes to car key repair solutions with testimonies of repairing all kinds of key models.

Buying key FOBs are expensive, they can cost you good money to get it working again. Some key FOBs cost as high as hundreds of dollars, so the best alternative is to see if you can get it repaired, that way you can save some money.

Common Problems:

We also have in stock FOB key replacement shells for function and aesthetics. You are not meant to pay a dime as a consultation fee, we recommend you always visit an expert or give us a call directly if you need our help.
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Some Easy ways to get your Damaged Remote Repaired

Not all faults associated with car remotes or FOB are considered electronic, some of them can be attributed to physical damage depending on your work description. Repairing a key remote can be performed using either super glue or other good sticking agents. But if you are so unlucky that the damage is beyond a ‘Do it Yourself’ procedure, then we must advise that you find your way to the nearest locksmith. Situations that can warrant you taking such measures include, key breaking into half, cuts on keys as a result of wearing out, it can be so bad that it won’t be able to activate the tumblers which are responsible for turning on the locking mechanism.

Not all faults associated with car remotes or FOB are considered electronic, some of them can be attributed to physical damage depending on your work description. Repairing a key remote can be performed using either super glue or other good sticking agents. But if you are so unlucky that the damage is beyond a ‘Do it Yourself’ procedure, then we must advise that you find your way to the nearest locksmith. Situations that can warrant you taking such measures include, key breaking into half, cuts on keys as a result of wearing out, it can be so bad that it won’t be able to activate the tumblers which are responsible for turning on the locking mechanism.